Counseling Services
I work with all students in the school in many ways. At various times, all students could benefit from the opportunity to learn and rehearse new skills in a safe, positive setting – whether it be individual, small group, or classroom.
Individual Counseling
Referrals to the Counselor may be made by the child, parent, or teacher. Individual counseling is generally brief and focused specifically on challenges that impede students’ well-being or performance at school on a short-term, as-needed basis. Topics that might be discussed include:
- Peer interactions (Difficulty making, keeping, or getting along with peers & friends)
- Decision making (Making poor or impulsive choices; how to consider options and make good decisions)
- Family changes (Transitions and loss through death, divorce, and separation, blended families, new home/school, illness)
- Classroom and school related problems (Shy, aggressive or attention-seeking behavior, motivational issues, daydreaming, test anxiety, poor organization/study habits)
Small Group Counseling
The Counselor meets with small groups of students who may have similar concerns or needs, such as:
- Conflict or Anger Management
- Self-esteem
- Study Skills
- Peer interactions/social skills
- Resiliency
Classroom Lessons
Topics may include:
- Social skills & friendship
- Managing feelings
- Self-esteem
- Conflict resolution
- Stress management
- Academic performance
- Organization
- Career awareness – Cluster activities (
- Personal safety
Parental Support
I am available for parent consultation on academic and social concerns. I can help parents:
- Plan your child’s education
- Learn more about child growth and development
- Find resources related to your child’s social, emotional, and educational well-being
The Referral Process
Students may self-referral by completing a student self-referral form on the Media Center Resources page. Additionally, I have self-referral forms located outside my office, which students may place in my mailbox. Students may also be referred by a teacher, administrator, or parent.
As a parent or guardian, if you would like to fill out a referral form for your student, please follow the link:
Mr. Blase's Individual Counselor Referral Form (24-25)
As a parent or guardian, if you would like to fill out a referral form for your student, please follow the link:
Mr. Blase's Individual Counselor Referral Form (24-25)